The absolute foundation stone of the Hypnotherapy approach is to recognise that no-one is broken, there is nothing wrong with YOU. As we journey through life, we pick up thoughts about ourselves and others which over time become beliefs. It is these beliefs which can create barriers in our day to day lives resulting in myriad difficulties.
Hypnotherapy explores these beliefs and assists you with reframing them, which in turn alleviates the symptoms and ways in which they have manifested in a life.
The list of what hypnotherapy can help with, therefore, is nudging towards infinite – but as a start and to give you an idea, Hypnotherapy can help with:

But this is the tip of the iceberg! If there is something you feel is holding you back in life, work, relationships or in yourself, chances are that hypnotherapy will assist you.
Every hypnotherapy experience is as unique as you are so any questions or queries about how it could assist you, please get in touch.
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