Quotes, quotes and quotes!


My personal recharge, recalibrate and realign bliss zone is fairly humble – it consists of a hot cup of tea, a toasty warm room, a book, a highlighter and and block of time. Usually a cat or two drift in to keep me company, and there may be the rustle in the background of a guinea pig chewing hay.

One of my favourite elements of the Hypnotherapy training was the permission – actually the necessity – the find time to read again, and not just set texts for my English students. I inhaled a whole range of novels, short stories, articles, transcripts, autobiographies and histories through the lens of learning about mental health. And I realised how embedded mental well-being and suffering is in all stories of humanity. It was like twisting a kaleidoscope a little and being shown a whole other dimension to familiar plots and characters. And as I read, I gathered quotes – this blog post will continue to build as I add more and more. You’ll quickly realise there is a heavy leaning towards Steinbeck and Bradbury! There is a lot of wisdom tangled in the pages of fiction.

Feel free to copy, share and repost any of my images/infographics on this site. The more we talk, the more we can help each other. Quotes can be an excellent springboard into discussion.

The image, incidently, is of the last leaf on the cherry blossom tree in my front garden, winter 2023. It spoke to me of resilience, of holding on, of endurance. The ‘hagstone’ detail alludes to the space where the hope and light gets in, even when life feels desolate and impossible. There is always hope. The Latin phrase ‘Dum Spiro Spero’ – while I breathe, I hope – is fitting here.

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