
“Hypnotherapy is so advantageous for men.”

I really enjoyed my sessions with Eve. This was my first experience with hypnotherapy and I feel I gained a lot from it, especially with coming out of my shell emotionally.

I do, like most men, have a tendency to bottle-up my emotions; it’s second nature. Hypnotherapy helped, if sometimes even just temporarily, to unlock certain emotions (happiness, sadness, perhaps even serenity with my current situation) which I tend to repress throughout my day.

Predominantly, men like me tend to struggle with understanding, and effectively conveying to other people, our emotions or what might be troubling us. I know I can get myself tied up into a knot if I don’t breathe and think about my situation. This is why hypnotherapy is so advantageous for men; it enables a more figurative exploration of real emotions. I found a lot of the imagery to do with colour theory very beneficial to understanding what emotions certain objects/scenarios might elicit.

Another insight I gained from this experience was my discovery of how crucial it is to understand our desires and fears in order to understand why or how we may act or react in certain situations.

One thing that surprised me the most was how calm my brain was capable of being. As an inherently anxious person, a little bit of inner peace can sometimes seem reserved to Buddhists having dedicated lifetimes chasing Nirvana, but this can be achieved momentarily (and with a bit of work, persistently) through hypnotherapy.

Thoroughly enjoyed my time in these sessions.