“To begin, begin.” – Wordsworth


Choosing to embark upon therapy happens for a vast number of reasons. Perhaps it is a decision you’ve come to yourself, perhaps it has been suggested to you by a GP, friend or family member. Whatever it is that has brought you to this site – you’ve already done the hardest part.

Please keep reading, and be assured that you are not alone. Even if you choose not to have hypnotherapy with me, I hope there is information on the website which you find useful.

Some statistics for you.

In 2021, 92% of GPs saw an increase in people with work related stress and anxiety. (www.counselling-directory.org.uk)

In 2019, over 8.6 million GP appointments were due to chest pains which were driven by stress related mental illnesses. (www.statista.com)

Women are more likely than men to receive treatment for all mental health conditions, though this is still a tiny percentage. 15% of women and just 9% of men. (www.mentalhealth.org.uk)

In 2023, 6069 registered deaths in UK were by suicide. 75% of these were men. Men aged 40-49 have the highest death by suicide rates in the UK. (www.mind.co.uk)

Overe 2 million people in England alone are on waiting lists for NHS mental health support. (www.mind.co.uk)

There remains a huge stigma around mental health with men in particular tending to be significantly more reticent than women to access therapies such as hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy is very private. You do not need to ever disclose what it is that is causing you stress, anxiety, worry or fear. We can work on these limiting beliefs and hindering programmes without you ever needing to divulge what they are.

Hypnotherapy can be an incredible tool for almost endless situations – that’s on the next post though!

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